Mount Laurel Township Mayor, Council, and Administration have
announced that the township has recently went under contract to purchase a new municipal building at 750 Centerton Road to house all municipal services (excluding police) currently located at 100 Mount Laurel Rd.
Long-time Mount Laurel resident and local commercial real estate broker Marc Isdaner of Colliers International was used to help Mount Laurel officials find the new property. George Morris of Parker McCay, the township’s appointed solicitor, facilitated the purchase of the property. The Mount Laurel Police Department (MLPD) will take over the entirety of the current municipal building once renovations to the new facility are complete.
“Recent growth in the Police Department has created a need for more space and offices for our officers,” Chief of Police Judy Lynn Schiavone said. “By purchasing this new building, township council has shown their commitment to making sure public safety is a priority for Mount Laurel residents. This opportunity allows the Police Department to efficiently and effectively run emergency services.”
“I’d like to thank Council for their support in ensuring the Police Department will continue providing a high quality of service to residents for years to come.”
The purchase of 750 Centerton Road was the culmination of an aggressive search by the
Township Administration for a new home. According to the Township appointed engineer building a new facility would have brought a significantly higher cost to the Township compared to the final purchase price of this building. The new municipal property is 79,692 square feet, offering significantly more space for current and future use, with a purchase price of $5,480,000. This comes out to around $68.76 per square foot.
“The purchase the township has made is significantly lower in cost than any other commercial transaction in the last two years,” stated Municipal Tax Assessor Dennis DeKlerk.
“The price per square foot is by far the lowest in that span, making this purchase a great deal for the township.”
Services offered at the new township building will include the township clerk/registrar, tax
collector, tax assessor, community development, construction, court, public works,
recreation, and township council offices. Additional municipal services and spaces will be
added to this new facility, including a resident welcome center where residents can search for information on publicly available computers or new residents can receive a welcome packet with all the information necessary for their move to Mount Laurel. There will be introductory events taking place so residents can familiarize themselves with the new building upon the completion of renovations.