HomeMoorestown NewsConverge Church hosts Trunks with Treats

Converge Church hosts Trunks with Treats

Halloween event returns with prayer tent and kids’ activities

CHRISTINE HARKINSON/The Sun: The trunk with treats at Converge Church on Halloween will feature a prayer tent, children’s activities and plenty of candy.

The township’s Converge Church is inviting the community to attend trunks with treats on Halloween.

“The last three years during the pandemic, we did not have a regular trunk or treat; we did a drive-thru,” said Kitty Bowen, children’s ministry director for the church. “We made our way (so) that people could drive through and grab their candy next to the trunks, so they didn’t have to have any contact with anybody.”

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This year’s event will be in its traditional format.

“ … We’ll have cars that will be back there (back parking lot) that will be decorated; some of them will have games, themes, and they’ll hand out candy right from the trunks,” Bowen noted.

Trunks with treats will include a gospel house and inflatables and games for kids.

“It’ll just be something fun for families, and of course we want to reach out to our community and include our community into it,” Bowen said. “We want to invite them; they’re welcome to come and be a part of our trunk with treats.”

Over time, she has seen people get creative with decorating their cars.

“Last year, a whole family did (“101 Dalmations”) and their children were all dressed like the dalmatian dogs,” Bowen recalled. “The mom was dressed like Cruella and it was really cute … We’re a church Christian group, so we (have) had a couple of themes along those lines.”

“One year, we had a family and they did an escape room,” she added. “ … It came out maybe about 8 feet from their car … and the kids loved that … I think the idea is (that) we’re just welcoming the neighbors and the kids are getting candy (and) we’re getting to meet them.”

The event will also include a tent for people to leave prayer requests.

“There’s a lot of needs that people have, and we want to do what we can as a church to meet needs,” Bowen explained. “ … Any way that we can help and reach out to our community.”

Bowen will decorate her own car in honor of Operation Christmas Child, and she described how the church will prepare for that next month.

“ … In November, we start working on Operation Christmas Child, which is, we collect gifts and put them in shoe boxes and they send them all over the world,” Bowen said. “I always decorate my car with that; I have all the boxes and some of the things that we collect.”

“ … Kids will come here and they’ll pack shoe boxes,” she added. “They’ll bring a picture of their family. They’ll write a letter … They pay $10 to Samaritan’s Purse (which sponsors Operation Christmas Child) and that $10 pays for the shipping of the box and also it tracks the box for the child. And the child finds out who the box goes to and they’re able to correspond with them if they would like.”

Trunks with Treats starts at 6 p.m. For more information, visit https://www.myconvergechurch.com


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