HomeNewsMoorestown NewsLetter to the Editor: Melissa and Brian Lestini

Letter to the Editor: Melissa and Brian Lestini

Residents show support for council candidates

To the Editor,

We attended the Moorestown Council Candidate Forum on Sept. 21 and Nicole Gillespie and Quinton Law earned our votes for re-election to township council. They demonstrated a mastery of facts surrounding complex issues and the ability to effect needed change in Moorestown.  

They clearly have:

  • A commitment to fiscal responsibility. Gillespie and Law know how to leverage available state and federal funds, including CARES Act dollars, for projects like repaving Main Street. The upgrades to sewer, stormwater and drinking water systems this council has made are critical investments for our community’s long-term well-being.
  • An emphasis on transparent and responsive government. User-friendly website updates, frequent social media posts and outreach through multiple listening sessions on projects such as the Lenola district revitalization keep residents informed in real time ensuring that those most impacted have a strong voice in decisions.
  • Expertise to manage complex collaborations. Gillespie and Law, with their council colleagues, have brought together multiple partners on major projects. The mall revitalization will lead to a strong mix of retail, health care and residential uses. The final Judgment of Compliance on affordable housing means the community can move ahead without threat of a costly Builders Remedy decision, which would remove all local control from housing site plans, including location, density, height, setbacks and landscaping.
  • Tangible support for our police. The number of officers is the highest ever. All department requests have been approved, including the purchase of four more vehicles.

Governing effectively on behalf of all township residents means navigating regulations, contracts and processes and committing to see solutions through to their finish. It requires the professionalism, competency, dedication and positive vision that Gillespie and Law bring to the job. Let’s continue the progress that is well under way by supporting Gillespie and Law on Nov. 8.

Melissa and Brian Lestini

Moorestown, NJ


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