Cinnaminson Township’s annual fall cleanup on Sept. 17 drew volunteers to the township’s Public Works facility on Union Landing Road.
The event was possible through a special grant from the state.
“Cinnaminson Township annually secures a Clean Communities Grant from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection,” Township Administrator Eric Schubiger said. “This year, the township secured $38,362 in funding through this program.”
Cinnaminson also hosts a cleanup day in the spring, and both seasonal events allow township residents to connect with each other while they help keep the township clean and protect the environment.
“The cleanup day provides residents with the opportunity to dispose of, at no charge, a variety of items,” Schubiger explained.
Those items include televisions, computers, paint, tires, car batteries, large trash items, brush, motor oil and antifreeze. Schubiger noted the convenience of the fall cleanup being scheduled on a Saturday, making it easier for more residents to participate.
Cleanup day is an effort that has been coordinated in the township for many years, and it routinely draws high numbers.
“The township has found that residents certainly take advantage of the program, as each event draws between 150 to 200 participants,” Schubiger noted.
Other fall events planned in the township include a fall used book sale on Friday, Oct. 14 and Saturday, Oct. 15, a trunk or treat for kids at Action Karate of Cinnaminson – a martial arts school – on Saturday, Oct. 22 and a basket extravaganza on Sunday, Oct. 23.
Visit the township website at cinnaminsonnj.org for more information and schedule updates.