Township board of education seeks to fill new position

Slot opens after the resignation of James McGuckin

The township wants to fill a recently vacant position on its board of education after the resignation of longtime board member James McGuckin, who served for two decades.

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The timing between the resignation and appointment of a new board member will happen over the course of about a month, the time between regular board meetings,” said School Superintendent Stephen Cappello.

“Time will be needed for the successful candidate to pass New Jersey Department of Education required background checks, and therefore, the candidate may not be able to begin until October.”

Whomever fills the position will not only be a voting member on the board, but also a  representative on two board committees. Applications were due Sept. 14, but the process of  appointing someone will take upwards of a month. The new member’s role will begin Oct. 18 and run through Dec. 31, 2023.

There are a number of requirements necessary for board membership, which is voluntary. Most important for the township is to find an “engaged” citizen who can sacrifice the time for service.

“The board is interested in identifying a member of the public who is engaged with the school system,” Cappello explained. “The ideal candidate will have an understanding and appreciation of the role of a board of education member and have a general understanding of our public schools.”

Applicants were to be interviewed and considered at a special meeting on Sept. 19. 

Unlike in other instances where the public elects board members, the new one will be decided on by the board itself. Once the term of the position ends next year, it will again be chosen by the public.


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