HomeMoorestown Letters & OpinionsLetter to the Editor: Annette McGuire

Letter to the Editor: Annette McGuire

Township resident addresses concerns about potential demolition of historic property.

To the Editor,

The historic property at 334 Chester Ave (corner of Central Ave) has submitted a demolition application. The new owners plan to build two or three new homes.

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I am concerned that taking down this important historic home will change the character of our neighborhood and decrease property values especially if three homes are built. Moorestown Improvement Association (MIA) and the Historical Society of Moorestown have submitted letters to Community Development explaining the significance of this home and requested that it not be demolished.

The demolition application and the letters from MIA and the Historical Society are located on the township’s website, www.moorestown.nj.us. I think your readers will want to be informed about the outcome of this application.

Annette McGuire

Moorestown, NJ


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