Get in the holiday spirit with Moorestown Theater Company’s Elf the Musical on Dec. 5! Visit Moorestown Theater Company’s website to buy tickets for the whole family for this musical with some local elected officials in a cameo role.
The award-winning, non-profit MoorestownTheaterCompany.org is presenting one final LIVE musical to close our 19th Season, Holiday Stage ’21 – Elf the Musical.
MTC will present Elf the Musical, the full-length version of this hilarious family Christmas musical, four more times after opening the show Dec. 5 and Dec. 7. The four remaining performances are:
• Thursday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. (‘Black’ Cast, and a local elected official TBA as ‘Charlotte / Charlie Dennon’)
• Friday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. (‘Gold’ Cast with Rick Williams as ‘Walter Hobbs’, and a local elected official TBA as ‘Charlotte / Charlie Dennon’)
• Saturday, Dec. 11 at 1 p.m. (‘Black’ Cast, with Moorestown Mayor Nicole Gillespie as Reporter ‘Charlotte Dennon’)
• Sunday, Dec. 12 at 3 p.m. (‘Black’ Cast, and a local elected official TBA as ‘Charlotte / Charlie Dennon’)
All four performances will be at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church at 236 E. Main Street in Maple Shade. Order reserved seat tickets for this full-length musical at www.MoorestownTheaterCompany.org.
You will see our ‘COVID-19 Policy’ on our website before you order tickets, but if you purchase tickets ‘at the door’, please know that you must show proof of vaccination or a negative test from within 48 hours of curtain time, and you must wear a mask for the entire show, that will have a short intermission.
Our all-ages (six and up) 42-member cast will be wearing clear face-shields on stage during the performance.