Policies approved at Clearview board of education meeting

School buses will be used as shuttle service for Lights on Main

Clearview Regional High School District’s Board of Education met for its monthly session on Oct. 28 and approved new policies and instruction materials.

The board adopted a new math textbook to be added to the curriculums of a Mathematics Research course. Out-of-district tuition rates were revised, with an approved amount of $70,002.

Two college students were awarded student-teaching visitations during the 2021-2022 academic year, and speech therapy services through the Gloucester County Special Services School District were added to budget costs for the remainder of the academic year.

The board approved finalizing the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan and sent it to the county office of education. The operations team also requested the board’s approval to dispose of 15 soccer uniforms “beyond repair” and 10 softball helmets.

Harrison Township school buses were approved as a viable transportation method for the Nov. 27 “Lights on Main” annual event. Shuttle services will be from 5 to 9 p.m., with six buses and drivers on duty.

In the finance department, volunteer appointments, co-curricular appointments, support staff appointments, extra-duty stipends, employee leaves and extra compensation were all approved. 

The board also reviewed security drills that took place in September. Clearview High School had both a fire drill and a tabletop drill, and Clearview Middle School held two fire drills. 

While its meetings are usually held on the fourth Thursday of each month, the board’s  next session will be held on Thursday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m.


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