The following is from Deptford Township:
A proclamation issued by Deptford Township Mayor and Council on May 3 resolves that the week of May 2 through May 8, is designated as “Professional Municipal Clerks Week.”
Unanimously adopted by the proclamation extends appreciation to all Municipal and Deputy Clerks for the services with which they provide their communities. Specifically, the proclamation cites that the clerk “serves as the professional link between the citizens, the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels.”
The proclamation was presented to mayor and council, and signed by Mayor Paul Medany. It also honors municipal and deputy clerks for “continually striving to improve the administration of their duties through participation in education programs, seminars, workshops and annual meetings of their state, province, county, and international professional organizations.”
The International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC), a professional association of City, Town, Township, Village, Borough, Deputy and County Clerks, sponsors Municipal Clerks Week. IIMC has 14,700 members throughout the United States, Canada, and 15 other countries. the week of May 2 through May 8, is designated as “Professional Municipal Clerks Week.”
IIMC President Mary Johnston, MMC, and Clerk of Council for the City of Westerville, Ohio, urges Municipal and Deputy Clerks to highlight the importance of their roles and functions and the impact the Municipal Clerk’s office has on the public.
“There are many responsibilities of the Municipal and Deputy Clerk that the public takes for granted, such as keeping the council advised of legislation that affects them,” said Johnston. “Yet, if Clerks are inattentive in their duties, then the efficient operation of our local government is greatly affected.
“The functions of the Clerk necessitate a thorough knowledge of law procedure, administration, and interpersonal relations. To keep up with the consistent transformation in local government, many Clerks participate in continuing education and seminars and attending Clerk Institutes,” said Johnston.
Dina L. Zawadski has served as Deptford Township Municipal Clerk, since 1996 and has been a member of IIMC since 2009. Dina L. Zawadski is also very active in the Municipal Clerks‘ Association of New Jersey, having served in 2018 as President, in addition to currently serving as President of the Municipal Clerk‘s Association of Gloucester County she has held this position for over 5 years, member of the MCANJ Advisory Board, President of Deptford Free Public Library since 2012, and a Library Board of Trustee since 2000, while staying involved in numerous community and charitable events such as Ovarian Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Awareness, Susan G. Komen, Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, National Autistic Society, Wellness Week & Alzheimer‘s Association.