The Evesham education foundation (EEF) announced today the date for their annual Golf classic as June 7, 2021. The golf classic will again be held at the beautiful little Mill country club in Marlton, New Jersey.
The President of the Scott Zielinski states “ The Evesham education foundation is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit organization that was formed in 1996 by a group of concerned Evesham Township residents and business owners. The purpose of the foundation is to improve and enhance the educational opportunities for the students of the Evesham Township school district (ETSD). Budget constraints over the years have curtailed some of the current programs. The Foundation has provided funding for some of these programs that would otherwise have been terminated will greatly curtailed.” The foundation supports programs including CAAPS Program, the Metamorphosis program, and the Genesis counseling program to name a few. In addition, the foundation has funded science and art carts, musical instruments, defibrillators, numerous whiteboards for in-class instruction, sports uniforms as well as reading programs, and gifted and talented students programs. The foundation has raised and donated well in excess of $2 million since its inception.
Deserie Druce, foundation secretary, and event co-chair stated “ The EEF Golf classic is one of our major fundraising events during the year. It’s a wonderful day of golf, food, fun, and camaraderie. Last year’s event had to be canceled due to the pandemic so the success of this year’s event is critical for us to fulfill our mission”. The cost for a playing spot is $275 which includes golf, lunch, beverages, and snacks on the golf course, cocktail reception, and awards dinner. Players will also have the opportunity to compete in a hole-in-one competition as well as putting contest. Sponsorships are also available ranging from $600 to event sponsor a $10,000. Further information can be found on the foundation’s website