Starting Monday, April 5 at 4:30 p.m., the Voorhees Art Council will be hosting Art Adventures with Storytellers over Facebook Live and Zoom. The first artist to be interviewed is Kim Clay. Every weekday for the next thirty days, Marianne Leone, Executive Director of Voorhees Arts and gallery, will be interviewing a local artist about how they came to create their art. Among the 20 amazing artists is a Voorhees centenarian and a Voorhees native that is now living and showing his art on the West Coast. If you would like to ask a question, you can join the Zoom meeting. The link can be found in the events page on the Voorhees Art Council’s Facebook. The interviews will be recorded, and each episode will be posted to the Voorhees Art Council website within a few days. The recordings will be available at https://voorheesartscouncil.org/upcoming-events/art-adventures-storyteller-line-up/.
The Voorhees Art Council is also currently accepting donations. If you would like to donate, visit https://charity.gofundme.com/donate/project/voorhees-arts-council/voorheescitizenseventfoundation