HomeNewsVoorhees NewsVoorhees Art Council seeks submissions for Virtual Museum

Voorhees Art Council seeks submissions for Virtual Museum

Submissions open until March 31.

The Voorhees Art Council is looking for artists to be part of their Virtual Museum to share their art in a virtual art exhibit on May 3. Submissions will be open until March 31st. The first 20 artists to submit will be featured in the online Virtual Museum’s Storytellers Exhibit with a bio page shown on the virtual tour. If you are interested in either being a featured artist or viewing the art, you can register to be a part of this event at www.eventbrite.com/e/artist-participation-art-adventures-with-the-storytellers-exhibit-tickets-144301578907.

Your registration includes the entry of 1 piece of art, the exhibit bio page, the one-on-one interview opportunity in April and your virtual tour pass for May 3 at 7 p.m.

For more information, visit the Voorhees Art Council’s Facebook page.


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