For Tabernacle’s board of education and township committee, status quo is the way to go.
At both groups’ reorganization meetings, many familiar faces were reelected to the positions they held in 2020. Kim Brown was sworn in again as mayor and Judy Sailer, Megan Jones and Kevin McCloy were reelected to the school board for 2021.
Brown has served as mayor several times since being elected to the committee: Tabernacle’s mayor is elected by committee members. In 2021, Brown will be joined by Sam Moore III, who will serve as deputy mayor for the first time.
At the township’s meeting on Jan. 4, Brown and Moore were sworn in over Zoom. Mayor Brown was assisted by her father, Southampton Mayor James Young. The committee appointed 17 professionals for township attorney, engineer, animal control and other roles.
Committeewoman Nancy McGinnis congratulated Brown and Moore on their appointments.
“Thank you to the professionals and to the staff of Tabernacle,” McGinnis said. “I look forward to rolling up my sleeves. This year we got a lot done, considering that COVID took a lot of our time.”
Moore added, “Let’s hope we can get life back to normal this year. Hopefully, it’s nothing like 2020.”
Other business conducted included passage of a consent agenda, including resolutions that reaffirmed committee policies, appropriated temporary funding to township departments and set dates for future meetings John F. Gajderowicz was appointed deputy fire chief after a recommendation from current Chief Keith Zane. Mark LeMire and Lynn Hedden were reappointed to the recreation committee
The next committee meeting is scheduled to take place virtually on Jan. 25.
At the Tabernacle board of education meeting, Sailer, Jones and McCloy were sworn in for three-year terms that will continue through December 2023.
“Thank you all very much, congratulations, and welcome to the board of education,” said board Secretary Patricia Palmieri after swearing in the members.
“Welcome again,” noted Jones with a laugh.
Megan Chamberlain and Sailer were reelected as board president and vice president, respectively. Vicki Shoemaker will continue as representative to the Burlington County School Boards Association and Gail Corey will resume her role as delegate to the New Jersey School Boards Association.
The board approved policies for 2021 that were left unchanged. Its next meeting will take place on Jan. 18.