The Lenape Regional High School District Board of Education’s regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 16, 2020, which will convene at 7:30 p.m. for purposes of a public meeting, will be conducted electronically in light of the current Public Health Emergency caused by COVID-19, as well as pending inclement weather conditions. The Board will be conducting a full regular business meeting, considering and acting upon items including, but not limited to Purchases/Investments/Payments, Policy, Personnel, Building and Property; Transportation and Food Services; Finance, Education, Student Activities and Executive Planning.
The public will be able to access the agenda, as well as electronically view and participate in the public portion of the meeting via a link posted on the District’s website at www.LRHSD.org/BOEMeeting or by dialing in using the following phone number: (929) 205-6099 followed by the Webinar ID: 840 1134 1351. Any members of the public wishing to submit written comments prior to the start of the meeting, must email or mail such comments to the attention of the Board Secretary at 93 Willow Grove Road, Shamong, NJ 08088 or [email protected]. Any such written comments that are received by 12:00 P.M. December 16, 2020 will be read aloud at the meeting for three minutes in accordance with Board Policy 0160. Members of the public will be given the opportunity to make their comment via audio and/or video, and all comments must be in accordance with the procedures and time limits set forth Board Policy 0160, which can be found on the District website or upon request to the Board Secretary.