On Wednesday, the Borough of Haddonfield issued a notice informing the public that the regularly-scheduled meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission has been pushed back one week, from Nov. 11 to Nov. 18, due to a scheduling conflict.
Time of the meeting has not changed, however, and is still scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Members of the public who wish to join this virtual session can do so by accessing the following link:Â https://usO2web.zoom.us/i/89079187660?pwd=szdHRIVVOUZWY2kWTGRmQldMdW9 hZz09.
Meeting ID: 890 7918 7660
Passcode: 898611
Or dial in by phone with one of the following phone numbers:Â +1 646 558 8656; +1 301 715 8592; +1 312 626 6799; +1 669 900 9128; +1 253 215 8782; +1 346 248 7799.
Please direct any further questions to Deputy Borough Clerk Kate Lafferty at (856) 429-4700