The Eastern Camden County Regional School District board of education met on June 16 for a virtual session to discuss graduation and honor athletic achievement.
During his report, Superintendent Robert Cloutier said much of the school’s work since the prior board meeting had revolved around graduation events and activities for seniors.
In the week before the June board session, the school offered photo opportunities for graduating seniors on the football field. Approximately 370 families took part, according to Cloutier, with students able to have photos taken with parents and or guardians at the stadium, a set-up that reflected what in-person graduation would look like.
The district previously recorded a virtual graduation that is on the district’s YouTube page and also allowed for an on-campus car parade for faculty and staff to congratulate graduates.
An in-person graduation ceremony will be held on July 15. With different options offered to the senior class, the district indicated that over 70 percent of graduates elected to allow only the class of 2020 to celebrate achievements together, as opposed to breaking up the ceremony into different groups.
The Eastern Regional district believes it could execute a safe and responsible graduation ceremony for the entire class of 2020 if legally permitted, but the current state cap on gathering prohibits it.
“If Gov. (Phil) Murphy changed the executive order for public gatherings to be based purely on 6 feet social distancing parameters rather than a total persons cap, we are confident we could have two parents/guardians also attend the event,” said a release from the district.
“This is not known or expected. However, there have been many surprises, and if parks, increased capacity for restaurants or professional sports, or other public events become a priority, then anything can happen by July 15.”
Business Administrator Diana Schiraldi indicated during her report that the district had previously applied for funding through the federal CARES Act passed by Congress. Approximately $110,000 was approved within one day for Eastern.
According to Schiraldi, approximately $100,000 was designated for remote learning technology, with the remaining $10,000 designated for PPE.
In other news:
- In a presentation for team and individual state championships before the meeting, the board recognized its field hockey team, as well as members of its winter track team.
- Luke Magette was honored as Scholar of the Month for June.