The Evesham Green Team will partner with the Evesham Clean Communities Program for a community cleanup event on April 27 from 9 a.m. to noon.
Participants will help clear trash and debris from a portion of the stream (a tributary of the Rancocas Creek) that runs through the Savich Field property.
Savich Field is located at 525 E. Main St., located off of Main Street, between Randor Boulevard and Elmwood Road.
Officials will assign specific cleanup areas and distribute equipment at the event.
Community service letters will also be available at the event for volunteers who require a letter, and a lunch will be provided for volunteers after the cleanup.
For more information about this event or to sign up, contact Evesham Clean Communities Coordinator Debbie Pease by phone at (856) 983-2798 ext. 6911 or through email at [email protected].