The South Jersey Region of the NJAWBO regularly meets for social networking lunches in Mt. Laurel.
The New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO) has announced Donnelly Energy as its newest NJAWBO corporate sponsor.
Andreia Miller and Cailin Mcnamara will be representing Donnelly Energy as NJAWBO sponsor members at events throughout the coming year.
The South Jersey Region of the NJAWBO regularly meets for social networking lunches in Mt. Laurel.
“We welcome and appreciate Donnelly Energy’s interest and support as a NJAWBO Silver Sponsor and look forward to a mutually beneficial business relationship focused on assisting, inspiring, educating, and supporting businesses owned by women across the state of New Jersey,” ” said Lindsay Haug, NJAWBO Vice President of Corporate Relations,
As an energy efficiency firm based in Wayne, Donnelly Energy ( helps utilities and small businesses take advantage of reduced upgrades to commercial lighting, heating and cooling systems, and refrigeration.