District officials said the classroom passed air testing on Monday, Sept. 10, after being closed for the first few day of classes due to poor air quality.
District officials say several classrooms at Cherry Hill High School East that were affected by mold are now safe for occupancy.
In a letter sent to Cherry Hill High School East parents on Sept. 5, principal Dennis Perry stated mold was found in some B-wing classrooms at the school two weeks prior to school opening for classes. On Aug. 31, a technician from TTI Environmental Corporation tested the air quality of the rooms and adjacent hallway and only one room was found to have elevated levels of mold.
The affected classroom was retested on Tuesday, Sept. 4, and still did not have an acceptable air quality, even after the room was cleaned and air scrubbers were used to remove mold and other particulates from the air. The room was closed to all occupants for the first week of school. Public information officer Barbara Wilson said the classroom was locked to students and staff members were told not to go inside.
While school was closed on Monday, Sept. 10, the room was re-tested by TTI. Wilson said the room was cleared for occupancy and is being used again.