The following is a press release by the ERHS Actitivites and Technology Department:
Eastern Camden County Regional School District will be hosting an orientation camp for freshmen and new students this upcoming week, on Aug. 21 and 22 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
This program is designed to assist incoming freshmen and new students in making a smooth, successful transition from middle school to high school. The camp will be facilitated by Eastern Student Alliance Mentors and Advisors.
The program will include activities designed to help freshmen learn:
· To navigate through the high school complex
· To locate their classrooms, labs and study areas
· Organization and time management skills
· How to follow the wheel schedule
· Effective use of the lunch and lab
· iPad Deployment
· Student Activities Fair
· Chance to win Eastern “swag”
Please register for the Transition Camp through Family ID at the website. Registration is now open. Cost is $35.00.