The league is back this summer by popular demand.

By: Amy Filippone, Dept. of Parks & Recreation
In collaboration with the Moorestown Youth Basketball Club, Moorestown’s Parks and Recreation Department will be offering a summer basketball league for boys and girls grades three through eight. Back by popular demand, this will be the second summer this five-week program is offered. It’s open to boys in grades three through eight and girls grades four through eight. We rely on volunteer coaches so please consider taking the helm of team. It’s a very rewarding experience that can be shared with another parent.
The games will be played outside under the lights at Maple Dawson Park. League play will span five weeks with a guarantee of eight games per team. Games will be played on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights (most weeks will have two games per week). Play begins on Monday, June 25 through Wednesday, July 25 with a break over the 4th of July Holiday.
Each game is approximately one hour and consists of two, 20-minute running clock halves. They will be refereed and will begin at 5:30 p.m. for the younger teams and continue until 9:30 p.m. Team rosters will be capped so all children get plenty of time on the court. The summer league is great for any level of play — whether it’s a child’s first time on a team or just to play more. Winter youth basketball coaches noticed how much further along kids were in their basic skills after having participated in summer league play. Small time invested pays big dividends.
It is a very relaxed environment that is meant to be fun and to have kids just enjoy playing basketball. The collaboration with the Moorestown Youth Basketball Club brings together travel players and Parks and Recreation players. It allows for the local youth basketball community to play together and get to know each other.
Imagine parents, grandparents and friends coming together on warm summer evenings, under the stars, with a gentle breeze blowing watching very intent, spirited youth basketball games. Don’t forget to bring your lawn chair. It’s a simple pleasure and a way to build wonderful memories. Cheers are for any great effort, not just for your team.
The deadline to register is May 25, so visit www.moorestownrec.com for all the details and to register.