Voice of Democracy Winners (High School)
1st) Rachel Sampson Kingsway Regional High School.
2nd) Andrew Jarrett Clearview High School
3rd) Jared Morgan GCIT
Patriot’s Pen Winners (Middle School)
1st) Grace Capelli Clearview Middle School
2nd) Conner Regan Clearview Middle School
3rd) Cavan Agatone Clearview middle School
Teacher s of the Year
K-5) Lauren D’Alessandro Center City Arts
6–8) Heather Renshaw Clearview Middle Sch Language Arts
9–12) Karl Neiswender Clearview High Sch Math
Citizens of the Year
John Valesquez Home Depot Mantua Manager
Tom Billingsley Home Depot Mantua Assistant Manager
Policeman of the Year
Patrolman Brian Hauss
EMS of the Year
Jamel St. John
Fireman of the Year
Captain Joseph Hauss
Explorer of the Year
Explorer Frank Piccioni