In other news, Shawnee announces upcoming dates for its Cinderella musical, which will run from the end of February to the beginning of March
The Burlington County Joint Insurance fund released a dividend of over $100,000 to Medford Township, and Shawnee recognized Marc Rohm as the high school’s Teacher of the Year. Catch up on all of the week’s biggest stories in the Weekly Roundup.
Burlington County extends Code Blue Weather Emergency to Saturday morning
On Friday, Freeholder Director Kate Gibbs announced that a Code Blue Weather Emergency would remain effective until Saturday morning. Extreme cold temperatures led to the extension, which was declared on Wednesday, and originally supposed to remain effective until Friday morning.
BURLCO JIF releases 700K dividend among 26 towns
Medford will receive over $100,000 in funds from the Burlington County Joint Insurance Fund, an increase from last year. The BURLCO JIF saves Burlington County taxpayers millions of dollars in insurance premiums, and allows towns to pool resources to get insurance coverage for workers compensation, liability, property and cyber insurance.
Shawnee High School recognizes Marc Rohm as Teacher of the Year
Shawnee High School’s Marc Rohm, who has been teaching at the school for 23 years, was recently awarded the title of Teacher of the Year. Rohm works in the special education department, in addition to running the school’s Fall Drama, Gay Straight Alliance, and advising the Spring Stage. Rohm said his particular teaching style includes really getting to know students and what motivates them, and use that in the classroom.
Shawnee High School students to present ‘Cinderella’ musical starting in February
Shawnee also announced dates for their upcoming Cinderella musical, which will run from Feb. 23 through March 3. Pre-sale tickets for the event will be available for purchase starting on Feb. 17. The musical will be a modern adaptation of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic tale.
Chairville Elementary School encourages artists to participate in it’s upcoming art show, and residents to attend Opening Night
Chairville Elementary School families and local residents have shown support for the Community Fine Arts Show for years. This March, the school will be hosting its 11th annual show and once again will extend the invite to the community.