HomeNewsMedford NewsTown Council passes ordinance to change speed limits on first reading

Town Council passes ordinance to change speed limits on first reading

In other news, the town approved a new EMS member and refused to take action over a controversial tree in Woodbury Court.

Suggestions on road alterations presented at a previous town council meeting were approved on first reading at last Tuesday night’s town council meeting. The suggestions were based on traffic studies performed by township engineer Chris Noll.

The speed limit on Hawkin Road from Skeet Road to Southampton, which is 25 mph, will be upped to 35 mph due to a lack of driveways or residences on that stretch of the road.

Noll also suggested restriping the center lines and placing optical speed bars in areas of East Centennial Drive where speeding was most prevalent. He decided against placing speed humps, which residents suggested, on the grounds they would be noisy and ineffective. He suggested another study be conducted three to six months after the changes to gather further information.

The final road studied was New Freedom Road between Eayrestown Road and the Southampton border. The traffic study found no speeding issues on the road, as most drivers were going approximately the 50 mph posted speed limit. However, Noll suggested the speed limit be lowered to 40 mph because of the excessive number of driveways.

In other news:

• Council approved Lindsay Caroline Trotter to be an EMS member and new firefighter at station 252.

• Council approved a raffle license for Impact Charity Services, Inc., to be used on Sept. 30 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Flying W Resort in Medford.

• A resident requested a discussion item be added to the agenda regarding re-landscaping the center island on Woodmont Court. Residents who live on the court discussed whether a tree in the court’s center island should be taken down during the open discussion time. The council opted to not take action on whether the tree should be taken down on the grounds the decision should be left to the homeowner’s association.


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