HomeMedford NewsSun Editorial: We want your school questions and comments

Sun Editorial: We want your school questions and comments

Yes it’s already time to start thinking about school.

By Alan Bauer
The Sun

A month. That’s it. Summer will be over. No more vacations. Back to school. Bummer.

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While we can’t extend summer, we can get you ready for a return to the classroom.

Sun editors are tracking down school officials to find out everything you need to know about the upcoming year. In particular, they will ask about anything new to the school district that might impact you or your child. Was there a construction project over the summer months? Is it over? Are there new classes? Schedule changes? You get the idea.

But our editors might not ask the question on your mind. And, since you have better things to do in these final weeks of summer than to seek out school officials, we’re going to make things easy: Send your question to us. We will ask the school folks for an answer. Then we will publish the answer for all to see because, as we all learned in grade school, there’s probably more than one person who has the same question.

Your question might be about something unique to a particular school or grade. Maybe you want to learn more about standardized testing requirements. Or perhaps you want information about the school calendar or snow day policies. Even if you don’t have kids in the school system, you still might have questions about the budget, taxes or the quality of education in the district, all of which can influence property values.

Or maybe you have a comment or suggestion for the local district. Send them in. We’ll publish them as a letter to the editor.

Our email address at news@marltonsun.com is the easiest way to send your question to the editor. Don’t be shy and don’t delay. Did we mention there’s only a month to go before schools open?

Send us your question. And then get back to enjoying what’s left of your summer.


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