The second annual event will provide employment opportunities for job seekers with disabilities

Gloucester County will hold its second annual Disability Employment Job Fair and Resource Event on Friday, July 14, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Gloucester County Government Services Building, Clayton Complex.
“The goal of the Disability Job Fair is to open more doors to employment opportunities for job seekers with disabilities,” Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said.
“We encourage all potential employers to embrace diversity as they seek to fill positions by considering the talents of all workers, including those with disabilities,” said Freeholder Jim Jefferson, liaison to the Department of Health and Human Services.
To ensure potential job seekers are prepared for the job fair, free workshops for the participants were held at the Gloucester County Adult Center for Transition in Sewell. If you were unable to attend any of the workshops, please call the American Job Center and ask to speak to a representative from Division of Vocational and Rehabilitation Services at (856) 384–3730.
“We are committed to providing resources and opportunities to individuals with disabilities so they can meet employers with job openings and gain more insight on what type of employment opportunities are available to them,” said Freeholder Heather Simmons, liaison to Economic Development.
List of employers attending the event:
Farmers Insurance Group
Delaware River Port Authority
Goodwill Industries
The Arc Gloucester
Coca Cola
Uptown Bakeries/JJ Snack
McLane Company, Inc.
The Parker Group
Bellwether Behavioral Health
South Jersey Federal Credit Union
Hoffman’s Exterminating Co.
Metro Public Adjustment
“CREW (Clean Renewable Energy Worldwide)”
Support Service Agencies:
Abilities Solutions
American Job Center
Avenues to Independent Living
Center for Independent Living
Full Circle Employment Solutions
GC Human & Disability Services
Gloucester County Social Services
NJ Comm for Blind & Visually Impaired
RCGC Resume Writing
Social Security Administration
GC Surrogate Office
GC Clerk’s Office
GC Health Department
For positions available by the employers attending the job fair visit: www.gcwdb.org.
Additional staff will be onsite to assist job seekers to make sure they get the most out of the job fair experience.
Parking is free at the Gloucester County Government Services Building, Clayton Complex, 1200 N. Delsea Drive, Clayton.