HomeNewsCherry Hill NewsEditorial: Graduation time is here

Editorial: Graduation time is here

It’s the season of joy, celebration and advice — lots and lots of advice

Graduation season is upon us, and that means ceremonies are just ahead. And with the ceremonies come speeches filled with words of wisdom. So let’s all get in on the act.

First, of course, is a hearty congratulations to the graduates for a job well done.

Second, for those of you attending your first graduation ceremony this year, please know at least one, if not more, of the speeches will be really long and sleep-inducing. Fight the urge to nod off.

There’s not a Vegas over-under line on how many times you will hear these words, but be prepared to digest many references to: “follow your dreams,” “embrace the future,” “next step/chapter,” “prosper,” “explore,” “strive,” “determination,” “hard work” and “success.”

All of these are wonderful sentiments, no doubt, but there’s also room for some practical advice, although we’re not sure how many speakers will advise graduates to “marry money,” “avoid philosophy as a major” or “don’t sweat the petty things or pet the sweaty things” (thank you, George Carlin).

So, since everyone likes to play Ann Landers when graduation time rolls around, we thought we’d open it up to readers. We have some pretty sharp folks who read The Sun who have extensive life experience and informed opinions. The graduates need to hear from you.

We’re asking all of you to think back to your high school graduation. Where was your head at? What would you have liked to have heard in the speeches at your ceremony? In other words, what would you have liked to have known then that you know now?

Your words can be encouraging: “Make the world a more interesting place.” Or practical: “There’s a future in plastics.” (“The Graduate” is a really great movie, by the way.)

Don’t be shy. Send us your advice, and we’ll publish it for all of the world to see, and for, let’s hope, graduates to appreciate and carry with them for


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