Run to take place May 6
Seneca High School will be hosting the fifth annual Precious Gems Color Me Goodness 5k Run May 6, 2017. Hundreds of people will be participating in the day’s event with the sole purpose of providing a substance-free activity that benefits outreach programs at Seneca High School.
The efforts are in memory of Megan Blong, Amanda Geiger, Shana Lawler and Angela McGrady: all who lost their lives to a drunken driver April 6, 1999. The focus is to encourage a substance free lifestyle while educating people about the importance of good decision-making and the consequences of poor decision making.
The funds raised will go to Seneca High School to assist students with financial issues, fund participation in the Cooper Trauma Program, Drug Squad training, transportation to the Cathedral Soup Kitchen for volunteer work and many other activities and programs and help pay for student training to foster student leaders.
Each participant in the run will receive a tee shirt.
“I’m glad we have the opportunity to give back to our community in a very direct way through participating in this event,” said Senior Spencer Eckstein of Shamong, a past participant in the event.