HomeMedford NewsHoliday Cookie and Baked Goods Drive for Troops

Holiday Cookie and Baked Goods Drive for Troops


Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey (OYRSJ) is proud to announce it will be hosting a holiday cookie collection drive to send to the Troops deployed in the Middle East. OYRSJ is honored to offer another opportunity to show our brave women and men deployed in harm’s way that they are supported by grateful Americans here back home.

On Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the 8th Legislative District Office located at 176 Route 70, Suite 13, volunteers of OYRSJ will greet generous supporters of the community to receive their donated baked goods and treats. Volunteers will pack and box all donated baked and store bought items to be mailed to recipients on OYRSJ’s care package mailing list. This is a great way this holiday season for all of us to show our appreciation for our US Armed Forces and give them a taste of home during this holiday season.

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We take this time to thank all our amazing supporters in the community including our friends at the 8th Legislative District Office for their constant support and generosity with allowing us their location for this collection drive.

• Besides baked goods; store bought cookies and treats will also be accepted and shipped.

• Packaging: if possible, please put your cookies in layers in large Ziploc bags or in Glad disposable containers. (Cookie tins will be accepted but they are not our first preference as they weigh more and are costly to ship.) Containers of any type will not be returned as they will be used to ship to recipients.

• Personal, unsealed notes in with your donations are encouraged. Feel free to write about your cookie baking or a note of encouragement, etc.

• Adults; feel free to include your personal e-mail address should you like a response from our recipients. We cannot promise recipients will correspond as some do not have e-mail access, but we do have some that will write back.

• Children are encouraged to create or write their own holiday cards or notes to show support to our troops. No last names, addresses or phone numbers please of children.

• If you have baked goods that you want to contribute but cannot make it on Saturday, Dec. 3 to donate, you can drop them off to Family & Co. Jewelers on Route 70 in Plaza 70 in Marlton on Thursday, Dec. 1 and Friday, Dec. 2. For more on these two drop off dates; please contact Angelo at angelo@familyjewelers.com.

• We will be shipping these items on Monday, Dec. 5. Items will only be accepted in person on Saturday, Dec. 3 in person from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the 8th Legislative District Office at 176 Route 70, Suite 13. For more, please contact Dave Silver at OperationYellowRibbonSJ@gmail.com.​


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