This year’s event will include a parade featuring bands, fire trucks and antique cars as well as activities at Erlton School Park.
An annual holiday tradition in Erlton will continue on Thursday evening as Erlton South hosts its annual Independence Day Parade at 7 p.m. The parade will proceed down Jefferson Avenue and end at the Erlton School Park, where a variety of family activities will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Dan DiRenzo, vice president of the Erlton South Civic Association, said this year’s parade will feature the Quaker City String Band, Bagpipes for All Occasions, fire trucks, antique cars and more.
Kids are invited to decorate their bikes and participate in the parade. The Erlton Bike Shop will award prizes for the best-decorated bikes in five different age groups. Prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the parade.
After the parade is over, residents are invited to Erlton School Park to enjoy music from the South Jersey Pops Oktoberfest Band, activities for the kids and refreshments. The activities will continue until about 9:30 p.m.
The Erlton Independence Day Parade originally started in the 1950s and was held each year through the 1970s. The parade was revived in 2004 and has been held every year since then.
Those who wish to drive to the parade will not be able to park their vehicle at Erlton Park. Parking will be available along Park Boulevard as well as the Camden County Parks building. In addition, Jefferson Avenue will be closed from 6:45 until 7:30 p.m. to accommodate the parade.
The parade and activities afterward are free to attend and open to the public. For more information on the parade, visit www.erlton.org.