HomeNewsMoorestown NewsMoorestown Democrats submit names for Town Council

Moorestown Democrats submit names for Town Council

Moorestown Democratic Committee Chairman, Robert T. Gorman, released the following statement from the Moorestown Democratic Committee:

The Moorestown Democratic Committee met Tuesday night to select three names for submission to Town Council for consideration in filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Councilman Greg Newcomer. The Committee first wishes to thank Councilman Newcomer for his dedication to Moorestown and for all of his community service. We pray for his full recovery and look forward to working with him in the near future.

The Democratic Committee unanimously agreed to submit the following names to Town Council for their consideration:

Michael Babcock

Amy Leis

Lisa Petriello

Regardless of which candidate Council selects we are confident that the new Councilmember will work with the current Administration towards common goals and serve as a checks and balance as ideas are introduced.

Lisa Petriello, active in the Moorestown community in numerous volunteer roles including the Sustainable Moorestown Advisory Committee and the Moorestown Home and School Association stated that among other things, she will “advocate and work toward a sustainable municipal budget, increased transparency, and restoring our water infrastructure and quality.” Lisa will “work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure Moorestown’s prosperous and sustainable growth into the future.”

Amy Leis stated that “as a financial advisor I believe strongly in transparency, accountability and long-term planning. If given the opportunity to serve on the Moorestown Town Council, I will use these skills as well as other valuable knowledge and experience as I represent the entire Moorestown community.”

Mike Babcock stated that “If appointed, I would utilize my 25 years of experience as a self-employed business owner to make common sense evaluations and decisions on all issues and do what is best for the town. Additionally, I have particular interest in making sure the plan to restore the township water quality and the rehabilitation of our water infrastructure gets done in a fiscally responsible and timely fashion.”


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