HomeNewsVoorhees NewsCase of meningococcal disease confirmed in Camden County

Case of meningococcal disease confirmed in Camden County

The Camden County Department of Health and Human Services has been notified that a Newark City man visiting family in Camden County has tested positive for meningococcal disease. The man is recovering, and his family contacts have received prophylaxis.

“Meningococcal disease is not spread by casual contact or handling items that the person has touched,” said Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez, liaison to the Camden County Health Department. “The individual’s family members and others he has come in close contact with have been notified and have been seen by a doctor.”

On Dec. 5, the Newark City resident was brought to Virtua Hospital in Voorhees with a fever, lethargy, and headache. Virtua Health System contacted the county Communicable Disease Unit when the patient’s serology tested positive for Neisseria meningitides, the bacterium that causes meningococcal disease.

The Camden County Health Department is continuing to monitor the situation and no further action is required at this time.

Meningococcal disease is an infection of the blood or the meninges (the covering of the brain and spinal cord). When the infection is in the blood, it is called meningococcemia. When the infection is in the meninges, it is called meningococcal meningitis. Both of these infections are caused by a bacterium (germ) called Neisseria meningitides.

Neisseria meningitides is a bacterium that may be found in the community. About 5 to 20 percent of people carry these bacteria in their noses and throats and do not get sick from them. In rare cases the bacteria may get into the blood or the tissue surrounding the spine and brain and cause severe illness.

Meningococcal invasive disease occurs in people of all ages but is more common in the very young (infants and young children) and the elderly (people above age 65). College students and military recruits are also slightly more at risk for the disease because of time spent in crowded living conditions like dorms or barracks.

The bacteria (germs) are spread from person to person through saliva (spit) or other respiratory secretions. The infectious period for meningococcal disease is considered to be from 10 days before the person got sick to 1 day after he or she starts on antibiotics.

This means that people who were in close contact with the sick person during this time are at higher than average risk to get meningococcal disease. You must be in close contact with a sick person’s secretions in order for the bacteria to spread. Close contact includes activities such as: kissing, sharing eating utensils or food, sharing drinks, sharing cigarettes or uncovered face-to-face sneezing or coughing.

The bacteria are not spread by casual contact activities like being in the same work or school room as the sick person, or handling books or other items that the sick person has touched. Likewise, being around a person who was in contact with the sick person does not put you at risk for catching meningococcal disease.

Because early symptoms may be mild and similar to those of less serious viral illnesses like a common cold, it would not be unusual for people to delay seeking treatment.

The early symptoms of meningococcal disease include: fever, headache, body aches

feeling very tired or sleepy.

Other symptoms that may occur are: stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and sensitivity to light

Later in the illness, a rash appearing as purple blotches or spots on the arms, legs or torso may be seen.

Getting vaccinated against meningococcal disease will protect people from getting this disease. Two types of meningococcal vaccine are available:

Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4) has been available since 1978.

Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) became available in 2005.

Both vaccines are about 90 percent effective in protecting against four strains of meningococcal disease, including all but one of the most common strains found in the United States. MCV4 is currently preferred because it provides longer lasting immunity.

Two doses of MCV4 are recommended for adolescents 11 through 18 years of age: the first dose at 11 or 12 years of age, with a booster dose at age 16. For those who receive the first dose at 13 through 15 years of age, a booster is recommended at ages 16 through 18. CDC suggests that adolescents receive the vaccine less than five years before starting college.

For the full list of persons recommended by the CDC for meningococcal vaccination, please visit: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/mening/who-vaccinate.htm


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