Temple Beth Sholom Hazak visiting Stedman Gallery at Rutgers-Camden on Dec. 3
Temple Beth Sholom Hazak on the Road will travel to the Stedman Gallery on Dec. 3 at 10:30 a.m. to tour Visions of Place: Complex Geographies in Contemporary Israeli Art
Dr. Martin Rosenberg, professor of art history in the Rutgers-Camden Fine Arts Department and Dr. J. Susan Isaacs, professor of art history at Towson University, have curated a world premier exhibition of Israeli art entitled Visions of Place: Complex Geographies in Contemporary Israeli Art. The exhibit provides an opportunity to explore the complexities of current day Israel through 52 works by a diverse group of 36 contemporary artists, all Israeli citizens.
The exhibition is free and open to the public. Hazak has arranged for a docent led tour of the exhibition. The Stedman Gallery is located inside the Gordon Theater on the Rutgers-Camden campus. The group will meet at Temple Beth Sholom at 9:30 a.m. and carpool. Guests must register to participate on this special trip. Contact Zelda Greenberg at (856) 751–4201 to register.