The New Jersey Department of Transportation will hold a Public Information Center to inform local residents, commuters, officials and the business community about the Route 70, Route 38 to Cropwell Road Pavement Rehabilitation project in Pennsauken and Cherry Hill Townships in Camden County and Evesham Township in Burlington County. The meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Carman Tilelli Community Center in Cherry Hill. Residents are encouraged to actively participate by providing comments at the meeting, by mail, or by e-mail.
The purpose of the project is to improve the condition of the deteriorated pavement along Route 70 between Route 38 and Cropwell Road, Cuthbert Boulevard, and all NJDOT jurisdictional jughandles, as well as, address various geometric deficiencies. NJDOT proposes the following improvements:
- Pavement resurfacing and reconstruction along the majority of Route 70.
- Full replacement of the Cropwell’s Brook culvert.
- Full replacement of culverts at McClellan Avenue and Conestoga Drive.
- Replacement of deteriorated sections of curb and substandard guiderail.
- Traffic signal upgrades including installation of image detection and crosswalks.
- Pedestrian upgrades including ADA-compatible curb ramps, detectable warning surfaces, pedestrian countdown signal heads and pedestrian pushbuttons.
- Installation of new sidewalk and replacement of deteriorated sidewalk.
- Drainage improvements at several locations along Route 70.
- Construction of stormwater management basins/water quality treatment facilities.
Final design for the proposed improvements is anticipated to begin in early 2016. Construction will begin in spring 2019.