In its search for a permanent Superintendent of Schools, the Mt. Laurel Board of Education will sponsor a Community Input Session on Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Hartford School, 397 Hartford Road. Conducted by New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA) search facilitator Gwen Thornton, the meeting is open to all Mt. Laurel residents.
Three other sessions scheduled in the coming weeks will allow district administrators and staff members to share their opinions on the future of the Mt. Laurel Schools as part of the search process. Those sessions will be open only to district employees.
“Community and staff input is essential to this process,” says Board of Education President Maureen Sojka. “Mount Laurel residents place tremendous value on the education of their children, and must have a voice in leadership. Our professionals, meanwhile, are partners in every aspect of our operation. We want to hear and consider their valuable opinions.”
Board members accepted Dr. Antoinette Rath’s letter of retirement in July after 13 years as superintendent. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Dr. Sharon Vitella was named interim superintendent until such time as a permanent candidate is in place. Dr. Vitella has served the district since 2007, and continues to oversee Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment in addition to the interim superintendent’s role.
As to timelines, Sojka said, “Shortly after the first of the new year, we hope to have a draft contract to submit to the Burlington County Executive Superintendent for review.”
The NJSBA was selected by the board to facilitate a comprehensive search for the new superintendent, including gaining public input. Staff and community surveys have been posted on the Mount Laurel website since school opened, and sent to the district’s electronic newsletter subscribers.
The scheduled meetings will add to that data collection. Those who may wish to comment on the issue but are unable to make the scheduled meeting can share their viewpoint through the online surveys until the deadline of Oct. 8.
The Community Survey can be found on the Superintendent’s Search webpage of the district website at: