Here’s a Letter to the Editor responding to a previous letter to the editor which referenced one of The Sun’s stories regarding the new Trailblazers Club at Voorhees Middle School.
I read with interest reader Tracye McArdle’s letter regarding the new Trailblazers Club at Voorhees Middle School. Ms. McArdle suggested that it would be a good lesson for the students if the trail was built based on funding not from taxpayers but their own fundraising.
Well Ms. McArdle, the Trailblazers agree.
Fundraising is one of the important lessons our members hope to learn from this experience.
For this 1/4 mile trail, the members plan to invest their own labor and use natural materials found on location. If we do need tools or equipment, we plan on using those provided by the members, or donated or borrowed from others. (By the way we’re looking for some bow saws, rakes, and branch clippers if you have any. And somebody with a chainsaw would be real helpful).
If we need to incur expenses, we plan on raising funds to cover these and to partner with local businesses who have expertise in helpful areas. (Get ready Lowe’s we’re headed your way.)
During our meeting with the Voorhees Township Board, they asked how much our trail would cost, and we told them we hoped we could do it for free. And this will continue to be our goal. Our aim is to make Voorhees a better place to live, not to increase your tax burden.
David P. Thompson
Advisor- VMS Trailblazers Club