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The Department of Parks & Rec Column

After many years of coordination and partnerships, the Department of Parks and Recreation is proud to announce its newest addition to Recreation — the Recreation Commercial Kitchen. More than 15 years ago, Greg Newcomer and a group of citizens began the efforts to renovate and reinvigorate the Recreation Center. Now, in 2015, through the generous donations from local businesses and the partnerships of local organizations, the former Moorestown High School cafeteria kitchen has become the Recreation Commercial Kitchen.

On Monday, May 18, the Department of Parks and Recreation held a Benefactors Dinner for those who contributed to this recent renovation. The dinner showcased the capabilities of the kitchen and has set the stage for the upcoming Recreation Commercial Kitchen programs this summer. Hosted by the Department of Parks and Recreation, the dinner, sponsored by Live Civilly, was prepared by local Chef Katie Sklarow and served by the Vocational Transitions Program students from MHS. This on-going partnership between the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Vocational Transitions Program students offers students experience in a variety of capacities to gain job skills for the real world.

The Department of Parks and Recreation wants to especially thank Tandem Associates and the Carpenters Union, PMH Engineers of Moorestown and Brandan Hillman and Troop #44, whose donations of materials and time have made this facility possible. Thank you also to Remember Me Stationery and Gifts, Taylor Rental and MHS Senior, Peter David.

Following the family-style dinner the benefactors and their guests were invited to attend the Township Council Meeting where proclamations were read and presented to the generous donors. The Department of Parks and Recreation would like to thank Mayor Victoria Napolitano, Deputy Mayor Phil Garwood, Councilwoman Stacy Jordan and Councilman Greg Newcomer for their support of the Benefactor’s Dinner as well.

The Benefactors Dinner serves as the “Grand Opening” of the Recreation Commercial Kitchen. This facility will offer local organizations a low-key dining facility for events and fundraisers, as well as a variety of baking, cooking, canning and preserving classes all offered by trained and state certified culinary professionals. From classes and workshops for children and adults to educational outreach programs, the Department of Parks and Recreation is ready to provide recreation to those individuals who consider food a “sport.”

Outreach programs will include partnership programs with organizations like Live Civilly. These programs will offer youth opportunities to learn easy, nutritional cooking options and how to make healthy choices with fresh, local produce. Additional outreach programs will function in conjunction with the Vocational Transitions Program at MHS. By providing a certified commercial kitchen to these groups, young people will be given the opportunity to develop consumer science skills that have been eliminated from the public schools.

For more information about the Recreation Commercial Kitchen contact the Department of Parks and Recreation at (856) 914–3093. Be sure to check the recreation website to sign up for classes and workshops this summer.


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