IMMS National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony

On March 26, 2015, Indian Mills Memorial School held its annual National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony before a crowd of proud parents and teachers. The NJHS is a national, service based organization which limits its membership to students in seventh and eighth grade who have met strict academic qualifications. To be invited into NJHS, a student must have a 92 percent average for the 4 marking periods in sixth grade and the first 2 marking periods in seventh grade. They also must have been involved with some kind of charity work, volunteer work, and/or a leadership role in the school or community. Once inducted into NJHS they must maintain an average of 90 percent. Additionally, in order to remain active, students must participate in service projects.

Students compete for admission based, not only on their academic achievements, but also by demonstrating high leadership potential and endorsements from their teachers. Teachers’ recommendations are based on a strict set of guidelines and require at least one year of observation. The advisors are Lisa Scott, teacher and Coleen Capocci, IMMS program coordinator. They are responsible for screening applications, verifying qualifications, and conducting the selection committee meeting.

At Indian Mills Memorial School, the service projects covered a wide range of projects aimed at lending a helping hand to people everywhere. This year, Hannah Russo, a current member, summarized the many accomplishments of the organization from last September to the present. Hannah recounted that they conducted a successful drive for the Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia, accepting donations from all grade levels. Additionally, the NJHS organized two “Fun Fest” nights to benefit the Make a Wish Foundation and the Wounded Warrior Project. As Miss Russo rightfully pointed out, their efforts have done more than just help these three charitable organizations, the students have been an inspiration to the entire community.

This year’s inductees, one eighth grader and twenty-eight seventh graders, were welcomed into this prestigious organization by IMMS Principal Tim Carroll and guest speaker Matthew Carr, an English teacher at Seneca High School, and a former student of IMMS and the NJHS: Eighth grade: Jessica Sheppard; Seventh grade: Ethan Auty, Elizabeth Barnes, Rachel Bland, Ariana Brown, Kelsey Carter, Madeline Daecher, Jessica Fullerton, Hunter Gareau, Lauren Green, Morgan Hough, Madelyn Hunt, Emily Ingram, Malin Jasinski, Ainsley Jodlbauer, Matthew Klaus, Luke Leach, Gianna McIntire, Dylan McNally, Toby Megaw, Zachary Miller, Chelsea Richards, Mira Samero, Michael Schmidling, Kelly Stewart, Alyssa Taylor, Nicholas Webb, Erin Williams, and Ella Worrell.

Current members, all eighth graders are President, Eric Pierre, Vice-President Jillian Connelly Secretary, George Schmidling, Treasurer Alivia Chaloupka, and Treasurer Colin Boisvert,

and members Emma Boeninghaus, Katelyn Bondi, Sean Casey, Jessica Cherubino, Bethany Cosper, Emma DiLauro, Alyssa Fox, Thomas Fox, Indiana Jenkins, Scott Johnson, Evan Keane, JohnMichael Kennevan, Andrew Massaro, Jenna Montrose, Leigha Novelli, Emily Richards, Hannah Russo, Brett Thomas, Scott Warner, and Jessica Waters.


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