Two Cherry Hill East students receive awards for science achievements
At its 67th annual Awards Dinner on Monday, March 9 the Delaware Valley Science Council presented awards honoring outstanding high school students from the tri-state Delaware Valley area who have demonstrated achievements in
chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics. Samuel Yoon and Ezra Brooks of Cherry Hill East were two of the award recipients. Yoon received the Science Achievement Award and Brooks received the Excellence in Science Award.
Students attended this year’s Awards Dinner from schools in Philadelphia, Delaware, South Jersey and the Lehigh Valley.
Each year the DVSC invites Delaware Valley students in their final year of high school who have demonstrated noteworthy achievement in science or mathematics to participate in its annual awards competition. The DVSC examinations are designed to challenge a student’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Participating students take two exams from four basic disciplines: biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Examination finalists are interviewed to evaluate their career goals, leadership qualities, community participation, and general interests. Recognition at the Awards Dinner reflects both the examination scores and interview results.