Inspire, engage and innovate.
These three words are the brand for the Voorhees district schools.
At the Voorhees Board of Education meeting on Sept. 22, the Innovation Committee showed the first of a six-part video series that shows how each of the schools in the district represents this brand. The first video was a representation of the district as a whole, while the last five videos will be for each individual school.
“It is really important for us as a school district to share our vision and our brand which is inspire, engage and innovate with the community at large,” said Diane Killough Young, assistant superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
Last year, the Innovation Committee decided to make these videos for each school. Taking videos and comments from staff and students, it put together the first video of the series.
“We had the opportunity to work with teachers and students and administrators and tech specialists to create videos that will be a part of a six-part series,” Young said.
The video showed teachers and students using iPads, computers, smart boards and all sorts of technology in the classroom. Intermixed were clips of children showing what they created, learned and did in classes with and without technology. The students were engaged in activities in the video ranging from in the classroom to school clubs. It also showed teachers helping students and using technology in their teaching.
“I am so proud of our district and students as we move forward in the 21st century,” said Robert Cranmer, principal of Osage School.
A video will be shown at each board meeting, representing the school that is hosting the meeting.
“Each board meeting we are hoping to highlight innovation that takes place across the district,” said Young.
The next meeting is at the Voorhees Middle School, so the next video in the series should be one representing that school and how it represents the Voorhees School District brand.
The video is available for all to see. To check out the video go to the Voorhees School District website. Under the tab, “Vision” is the link to the video.
In other news:
• Awards were given to teachers and workers of the Voorhees Township schools. Two service awards were given to teachers who worked for the school district for 25 years. Twenty-four retirees were also given awards for their work in the township. The retired teachers were: Mary Jane Boianelli, Nora Bursztein, Beverly Duffey, Joan Gallagher, B. Dean Haber, Christine Hoffman, Barbara Hubbard, Melissa Kaye, Judy Kille, Lucy Kriloy, Edna Lambert, Marcy Lawrence, Trudith Lockspeiser, Anita Mancini, Mary Maiatico, Catherine Melching, Peggy Moore, Jacquelyn Price, Eileen Rosetti, Lois Siebert, Lynn Smith, Eda Whitworth, Margie White and Susan Wilt.
“On behalf of the board and the township and the children of Voorhees we thank you for all of your years of service,” said Dr. Richard Nelson, president of the Board of Education.
• The district finished the last part of its Safety, Security and Rehabilitation program by installing new outside lighting and cameras, replacing HVAC units and roofs, redoing the track, installing a new flag pole, adding defibulators to the schools, and having the playground repaired and inspected.
• The next Board of Education meeting will be on Oct. 22 at the middle school at 7:30 p.m.