HomeNewsTabernacle NewsSouth Jer-Z Riderz’ June 22 “Poker Run” will benefit Small Steps In...

South Jer-Z Riderz’ June 22 “Poker Run” will benefit Small Steps In Speech

If you hear an inordinate amount of motorcycle traffic on Sunday, June 22, just know it’s for a good cause.

That’s the day the South Jer-Z Riderz will hold its ninth annual poker run, which invites motorcycle enthusiasts from all around South Jersey to rev their engines and raise money for charity in the process.

As a club, the Riderz organize numerous rides and events throughout the year covering destinations from a few hours away to those involving overnight or weekend stays. The rides are generally proposed by any of the club’s members and participation is always voluntary. Members can pick and choose rides based on individual schedules and interests. The club’s “sergeant at arms” Tim Everett said the club welcomes members from Shamong, neighboring Tabernacle and communities across South Jersey. The club’s poker run is typically its largest event of the year.

A poker run is an organized event where participants must visit five to seven checkpoints, drawing a playing card at each one. The object is to have the best poker hand at the end of the run. The event has a time limit, however the participants are not timed, winning is purely a matter of chance. This year’s run will feature $100, $50 and $50 prizes for the best, second best and worst hand, respectively. The prizes are not the goal of the annual event though that would be to raise money for the Small Steps in Speech organization.

The motivation behind Small Steps in Speech is to remember Sgt. Marc J. Small. Small was a special forces operational detachment-alpha team medical sergeant assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group Airborne in the United States Army. On Feb. 12, 2009, Small was killed while serving in Afghanistan.

Small planned on marrying Amanda Charney, founder of Small Steps in Speech, when he returned from Afghanistan. Charney is a school based speech and language pathologist specializing in early childhood development and developmental disorders within the realm of speech and language.

Small had dreams of Charney opening her own private practice and came up with the name, “Small Steps in Speech,” to symbolize her soon to be last name along with the small steps children must take to build their communication skills. When the heart-breaking news came of Small’s passing, starting this non-profit foundation seemed like a good way to keep his memory alive and keep him close to her heart. For Everett and the rest of the South Jer-Z Riderz, partnering with Small Steps in Speech was a slam dunk.

“Whenever you can help people or organizations out you feel good, and when you see the work Small Steps and Amanda are doing, you just say ‘wow,’” Everett said. “So many people come to the organization for help. They’re all volunteers that work there too so they’re working hard and giving up their time to help these kids.”

Helping a charitable organization has been a focus of the Riderz since the group formed 11 years ago. According to Everett, that attitude is prevalent throughout the group.

“We’re a mom and pop riding club. Husbands and wives mostly, no boneheads,” Everett said. “People really look forward to this event every year. It’s a good time for a good cause.”

Registration will take place at the American Legion Post №371, 41 N. Lakeview Drive, Gibbsboro with the reception and after party taking place at the Pic-A-Lilli Inn, 866 Route 206, Shamong.

The cost is $20 per rider, $10 per passenger. All proceeds benefit Small Steps in Speech.

For more information, visit www.southjerzriderz.com.


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