The weather this winter has been particularly challenging — wreaking havoc on roads, landscapes and school schedules. To date, Lenape Regional High School District experienced eleven instructional days impacted by delayed openings and early dismissals, including four school closings. Careful planning goes into the school calendar, but the unpredictable severe weather and possibility of more to come necessitated a special meeting of the Board of Education on Feb. 10 when adjustments were approved to the 2013/2014 school calendar according to the following schedule:
Emergency/Snow Closing Make-Up Days in Order of Use
1. June 16 Monday
2. June 17 Tuesday
3. June 18 Wednesday
4. February 17 Monday Presidents’ Day (full day)
5. June 19 Thursday
6. June 20 Friday
7. April 25 Friday Spring Break (full day)
8. April 24 Thursday Spring Break (full day)
9. April 23 Wednesday Spring Break (full day)
10. April 22 Tuesday Spring Break (full day)
As a result of the four school closings to date, the LRHSD school year will be extended three days until Wednesday, June 18. In addition, all schools will be open for a full day on Presidents’ Day, Monday, Feb. 17 with the goal of minimizing the chance of disrupting spring break.
We are aware that some families take advantage of Presidents’ Day weekend to vacation or visit colleges and universities and apologize for any disruption to your plans. Although we do weigh the impact of school closings and make-up days on families, our decisions are based on what is best for the safety and education of our students.
Excused absences for students with previous travel plans will be approved by providing the appropriate documentation to the Principal’s Office prior to any absence. However, we strongly encourage your student to attend school on Monday, Feb. 17. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Principal’s Office. Thank you for your continued support and anticipated understanding.
Dr. Carol L. Birnbohm
Superintendent of Schools