Tutoring Club of Cherry Hill/Voorhees will be holding full-length practice SAT and ACT exams on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The cost of this test is $35, with the proceeds benefiting the The Spot Teen Center. Students choose whether they want to take an SAT or ACT Practice Test.
For the past seven years, Tutoring Club of Cherry Hill/Voorhees has been offering SAT/ACT Practice Days on 15 to 20 Saturdays or Sundays throughout the school year. Each student takes a full-length SAT or ACT test, however the score does not go on a transcript. The student’s score and a full analysis of each student’s test is provided within 10 days. We charge a nominal fee of $35, with the proceeds going to a local organization that “sponsors” the SAT/ACT Practice Day.
To sign-up or receive more information just call or email Tutoring Club at (856) 616–8808 or [email protected].