HomeMt Laurel NewsBurlington County looking for donations towards care packages for troops

Burlington County looking for donations towards care packages for troops

Burlington County Freeholders announced today that they are partnering with Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey and Burlington County College to sponsor a county wide collection of items for care packages for our troops stationed over seas.

“We are collecting items for our troops that will hopefully bring them a little holiday cheer and let the men and women who fight every day to protect us know that Burlington County supports and honors them,” Burlington County Freeholder Deputy Director Leah Arter said.

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Items will be accepted at selected County locations during normal business hours through noon on Friday, Dec. 6. Collection boxes will be in the lobby of the engineering building at 1900 Briggs Road in Mount Laurel and all county library facilities.

Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey sends over 2,300 pounds of treats and personal notes each month to our brave women and men deployed to Afghanistan.

“This is a great way for residents to get into the holiday spirit this season by showing our appreciation for our U.S. Armed Forces,” Freeholder Arter said. “We are asking residents to help us collect items and also personal, unsealed notes of thanks and encouragement.”

Adults can include an address or e-mail if they would like a possible response from our recipients. Some of the troops will respond but some do not have e-mail access, so they might not write back. Children are encouraged to create or write their own holiday cards or notes to show support to our troops, but no last names, addresses, email addresses or phone numbers can be included.

“Burlington County residents have been so supportive of our food drives and toy collections in the past and I am confident that they will whole-heartedly join us in this effort as well,” Arter said.

The following items have been requested from our troops:

• Tastykakes, cupcakes or similar snacks

• Rice Crispy treats

• Sealed packets or bagged tuna and chicken

• Gum and candy

• Breakfast bars

• Roasted peanuts, mixed nuts or dried fruit

• Potato chips in cylinder or can

• Beef jerky or Slim Jims

• Crystal Light drink mix individual packets

• Powdered drink mix

• Ground coffee or tea

• Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds

• Baby powder and foot powder

• Baby wipes

• Visine or Saline eye drops

• Chapstick and lip balm

• Tissues

• Small hand sanitizer

• Puzzle or small crossword books

• Batteries

• Hand held electronic games

Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey will also be hosting a holiday cookie and baked goods drive to send to the troops deployed in Afghanistan and supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Items will only be accepted on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the 8th Legislative District Office at 176 Route 70, Suite 13 in Medford. For more, please contact Dave Silver at OperationYellowRibbonSJ@gmail.com.

Volunteers will pack and box all donated items to be mailed to recipients on the care package mailing list. Besides baked goods, store bought cookies and treats will also be accepted and shipped.

Please put cookies in layers in large plastic zip closed bags or in lightweight disposable containers. Containers of any type will not be returned because they will be used to ship to recipients.


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