Superintendent of Schools Maureen Reusche presented the new state-mandated teacher evaluation plan to the board of education at its April 23 meeting.
According to Reusche, the evaluation system has multiple measures for both teachers and principals.
Teachers will have to meet the requirements of a yet-to-be-released rubric determined by the state Department of Education and will include evaluations, student growth percentiles and student growth objectives.
Principals from across the district will be visiting classrooms in multiple schools. One of the problematic aspects of the new systemwill be how the principals and assistant principals manage their time, according to Susan Bastnagel, district spokeswoman.
There’s no way for the district to plan for the evaluations budget-wise, she said. Principals will be required to take a written evaluation focusing on school leadership in addition to other goal-based requirements.
In other news:
Students from both Cherry Hill East and West high schools traveled to Anaheim, Calif., for a DECA conference, according to student representatives Andrew Adler and Christopher Blundy.
The next board of education meeting will be held May 28 at 7 p.m. at the Malberg Administration Building at 45 Ranoldo Terrace.