HomeNewsCherry Hill NewsSchool district hosting Volley for Support tomorrow

School district hosting Volley for Support tomorrow

The following information was released by Cherry Hill Public Schools.

Teachers, administrators, and staff from throughout the district will vie for team bragging rights and raise funds for a good cause at the Cherry Hill School District’s 9th Annual Volley for Support on Friday, April 19, in Jones Gym at Cherry Hill High School West. The games begin at 5:30 pm.

Two elementary schools have planned events during the school day on April 19 to jump start the fundraising and ramp up spirit for their teams. Kingston Elementary School will hold “Pies for Progeria.” Students will buy chances for the opportunity to throw a pie in the face of a teacher or staff member; more than 20 Kingston staff members have signed up to participate. At Cooper Elementary School, two teachers have volunteered to get “sundaed up;” the teachers will sit in a kiddie pool like giant scoops of ice cream as students add toppings. Both of these spirit events will begin at 2:45 pm.

Since its inception, Volley for Support has raised more than $110,000 for causes such as Build Jake’s Place, the Miracle Field at Challenge Grove Park, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the American Heart Association, the Alzheimer’s Association, and more.

Steve Redfearn, a physical education teacher at Kingston and Cooper Elementary Schools, started Volley for Support in 2005 to raise funds for tsunami relief efforts in Southeast Asia. A handful of schools participated that first year. Participation has grown to the point that the entire school community looks forward to Volley for Support and teams from every school compete. Hundreds of cheering students and families turn out to cheer on their schools.

Proceeds from this year’s event will support the Progeria Research Foundation (www.progeriaresearch.org).


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