The Sun asked the candidates the following questions, the candidates answered to the best of their ability, and how they would problem solve if they were to be voted into council.
Question 1: In what ways will you look to save money within the township?
Question 2: In what ways will you keep government transparent for residents?
Ken D’Andra, Republican
Question 1:
From a solar panel initiative that reduces utility costs to partnering with neighboring towns offering our tax assessing services, and a sponsorship ordinance that generates revenue to fair and equitable contract negotiations that decreases our expenses, we have demonstrated that we can look “outside the box” in finding ways to reduce our operating costs. With my business experience, and engineering background and applying the concepts of fiscal discipline, I will continue to explore and mine additional opportunities.
Question 2:
My responsibility is to provide a high level of customer service to the residents by being available, open, and listening, by responding to questions and concerns, and by offering insight to my decision-making process.
Bob DiEnna, Republican
Question 1:
Disciplined spending, shared services, and public-private partnerships.
Question 2:
Comply with transparency laws and respond to all residents questions and concerns.
Devin Keesler, Democrat
Keesler was unable to be contacted.
Kathleen Santomero, Democrat
Santomero was unable to be contacted.