Who knew getting rid of leaves every fall could be so expensive? Township Manager Czerniecki said his staff is seriously considering the viability of constructing a Class B recycling center to dispose of Evesham Township’s leaves.
This year the township paid over $100,000 to dispose of its leaves to a collection service, he said, so it might be cost affective to build a recycling center in the community. There is certainly enough open property in Evesham to support a center, he said.
“We got out and we solicit quotes from someone who will accept them to us for the lowest possible price. It costs us about $100,000 a year to dispose of the leaves,” he said. “This seems like it would be smart.”
The idea hasn’t been pitched to the council yet, he said, and is still at the staff level.
Another project the staff is debating is the formation of a road maintenance program for the township. Right now Evesham designates two of its department of public works employees to road repair, Czerniecki said, and when they have free time in the day they fill potholes.
“That is not a professional level maintenance program. A mile of road costs $1 million to redo, sealing it costs $30,000, but we’re not doing any of this,” he said. “That will take people and materials within the budget. We’re trying to brainstorm a little bit.“
Forming a full time road maintenance program would likely be a costly venture, he said, but would improve the status of the township’s roads immensely.