By ROBERT LINNEHAN | The Voorhees SunThe Senate and General Assembly approved a pension deferral bill in late March, but township representatives said the potential...
In this week’s print edition of The Sun:• Mayor: Deferral shortsighted: Potential cost-saving pension deferral measure, passed by the state Senate and General Assembly in...
Tuesday, May 12For AllMicrosoft Excel 2007: Voorhees Branch Library. 6:30 p.m. Call 772–1636 or visit to register.US TOO! Prostate Cancer Support Group: 900 Centennial...
Senator James Beach, Assemblyman Louis Greenwald, and Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt announced today their offices would assist local senior citizens in filing for “Senior Freeze”...
Cutting the Ribbon at the start of The First Annual Walk 4 Family-Friends with Cancer are, from left, David Forman, Voorhees Mayor Michael Mignogna,...
By ROBERT LINNEHAN | The Voorhees SunAn architecture firm was hired recently by the M. Allan Vogelson Branch of the Camden County Public Library for...
Wednesday, May 6For AllMat Pilates class: Voorhees Middle School. Call (800) 826–6737 for info.Girls lacrosse: At Cherry Hill West High School. Varsity 3:45 p.m. JV 5:15 p.m.Girls...
Saturday, May 2For AllThird Annual Wearable Art & Craft Show and Adoptathon: The Promenade, Marlton. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Bob Alper — Rabbi/Stand Up Comic: Katz JCC, corner...
By AUBRIE GEORGE | The Voorhees SunYou’ve heard of turning trash into treasure — but what about into acres of green park space?Thanks to a combined effort, Voorhees...
Dr. Dana Lightman, popular motivational speaker and trainer specializing in the field of optimism and positive psychology, will lead the eWomenNetwork Southern New Jersey...