Akita Brooks of Voorhees recently earned a Master of Science Degree in Leadership with a specialization in Leadership Development from Walden University. Walden celebrated...
“Back to School!” It is a phrase that elicits happiness, sadness, relief, anxiety, tension and excitement from students, parents and teachers alike. It marks...
Aside from a close call involving one motorist, Hurricane Irene blew right by Voorhees.Voorhees Police Chief Keith Hummel said the driver was driving down...
By Sean Patrick MurphyThe “unbearable” odor from smelly soccer shoes was the catalyst that resulted in Skunkies.Skunkies, three by five cloth satchels, eliminate odor, absorb...
There has been much discussion and media coverage recently about a study being conducted by the Camden County Freeholders regarding the formation of a...
By ROBERT LINNEHANAbout 20 years ago this article never would have existed, but today it’s a necessity. School is just around the corner and students...